Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Someone said..............

Recently someone said that we talk to much on this blog about how great our kids are and how proud we are of them. This person actually said it was giving them a headache to hear this over and over again on our blog. My response to them.........stop reading our blog. This is a place to post neat things about our kids and brag a little bit, isn't it? This person is so accustomed to posting negative things about his or her life, I don't think they can see the good things in other people and be happy for them. Sometimes people get so caught up in their own issues, wether they are emotional, behavioral or both, that they tend to project those behaviors or thoughts onto other people. They become less aware of their own shortcomings and more aware of others goings on. They are people who really need to look deep down inside their heart and figure out what their own issues are. If we could all find a way to forgive, forget, and oh yeah, say "I'm sorry." the world would be a better place. We are thankful for our friends and family, and the chances we have to come on the internet and see how ALL of yoou are doing.


Anonymous said...

Amen. I think you have every right to brag and be proud of the accomplishments of your children! I love your blog and I thought that was what it was for to keep us informed of the goings on of the family. Keep up the love and support.

Love, Pamela

ThE KaRl CoX FaMiLy said...

I completely agree with you! It sucks that we have to deal with people like that in our lives. KEEP BRAGGING!!

Angenette said...

I agree with you, too! I consider my blog to be our family journal, and of course I am going to talk and brag all about my kids! They ARE our family! In fact, there's only a few people on my blog list that aren't bragging about their kids...the people who don't have any kids.